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Learn Life-Saving Skills
Love A Lifetime Sport

A Proud Provider of ISR Lessons

Indoor & outdoor Lessons
Swim Moore lessons are held in a fully enclosed indoor pool for comfortable lessons all year long. The pool is heated to 88 degrees for maximum comfort. Our structure can quickly open for students to enjoy swimming outdoors during the warmer months. Students love to swim over to the outdoor lap lane to show off their strokes or to splash under the waterfalls!
Lessons for all ages & abilities
Swim Moore starts with ISR's Self-Rescue™ program which teaches children as young as 6 months aquatic survival techniques that are designed to help them survive should they reach the water alone. Starting with ISR lessons gives students the proper foundation to safely and appropriately learn more advanced swimming skills. Students can learn all four competitive strokes, build endurance, learn to dive, and even prepare for swim team or a triathlon.
about whitney
I have been in love with swimming for as long as I can remember. I started swimming competitively when I was 5 and I still enjoy swimming for fitness today. I started teaching traditional swim lessons in 2001. Soon after I began coaching a developmental swim team which quickly became my passion! I heard about ISR in 2007 and after watching the Miles video I knew I needed to join ISR’s team to help prevent childhood drowning. I have been proudly offering ISR lessons to my community since 2009. My passion for swimming and water safety is driven by the smiling little faces that I get to see every day! I am so lucky to get to help children learn such important life-saving skills!